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Our work in Educational Quality focuses on programs with measurable results that improve student outcomes. We primarily fund projects that strengthen the teacher pipeline or support educators in their professional development, advancing the quality of the educational system overall.

Supporting Educators to Promote Quality Education

Encouraging individuals to enter the teaching profession is vitally important as the nation faces teacher shortages, but the quality of their teaching in the classroom is also paramount. Fostering students’ learning requires technique as well as enthusiasm for the material. The Trust funds projects focused on not only strengthening the teacher pipeline but also on supporting the professional development needs of existing educators.

Mature professor assisting his students in class at university classroom

Quality to Improve Student Outcomes

Educational institutions share general objectives and needs, but vary widely in available resources. Because we believe anyone pursuing an education should receive the highest quality education available, the Trust will work in close partnership with individual institutions to define needed initiatives on campus to support positive student outcomes.

A male high school student in classroom raising his hand

Explore our Grantmaking Process

Our grants are by invitation only and are awarded by our Trustees. We invite you to explore our grantmaking process, grantmaking calendar, and other FAQs for more information.

Stack of books and a magnifying glass on wooden table with bookshelf on background